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Metabolite profiling analysis by GC-MS of sugarcane culm (Saccharum ssp.) to reveal metabolites involved in the drought stress (2017)

  • Authors:
  • USP affiliated author: FORTIRER, JANAINA DA SILVA - ESALQ
  • School: ESALQ
  • Keywords: GC-MS; culms; drought tolerance; metabolite profiling; sugarcane
  • Language: Português
  • Abstract: water deficit is an abiotic stress that affects plant development and causes a reduction in the productivity of sugarcane. In this study, we analyzed the metabolite profile, by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS), of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) internodes (5 and 9) from two different cultivars with different ability to deal with stress: CTC15 (tolerant cultivar) and SP90-3414 (susceptible cultivar). Each cultivar was submitted to different field capacity (FC). Well-watered (100% FC), moderate stress (40 % FC) and stress severe (25% FC). By GC-MS analyzes 76 metabolites were identified, such as amino acids, sugars, polyamines, organic acids and other metabolites. There was a general increase in metabolite levels in the CTC15 cultivar and between treatments under drought stress, including changes in amino acids, sugars, organics acid and other metabolites. The CTC15 showed more amino acids in comparison to SP90-3414. In addition, amino acids, sugars, polyamine were significantly abundant in the severe stress condition. Therefore, an increase in amino acids, sugars and polyamine was observed under water stress conditions. In this work, in accordance with others studies, isoleucine and putrescine showed higher abundance when exposed to drought stress. Our results may encourage more detailed studies to understand the role of these amino acids in drought stress. Our data also contribute to further analysis aiming the identification of molecular markers to assist in plant breeding and suggests key metabolites to the development of transgenic sugarcane plants
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    • ABNT

      FORTIRER, Janaina da Silva. Metabolite profiling analysis by GC-MS of sugarcane culm (Saccharum ssp.) to reveal metabolites involved in the drought stress. 2017. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, 2017. Disponível em: https://bdta.abcd.usp.br/directbitstream/49bb6a2b-40ba-4e8e-9b8d-25ad64e1aca2/TCCJanainaSilvaFortirer.pdf. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2024.
    • APA

      Fortirer, J. da S. (2017). Metabolite profiling analysis by GC-MS of sugarcane culm (Saccharum ssp.) to reveal metabolites involved in the drought stress (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação). Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba. Recuperado de https://bdta.abcd.usp.br/directbitstream/49bb6a2b-40ba-4e8e-9b8d-25ad64e1aca2/TCCJanainaSilvaFortirer.pdf
    • NLM

      Fortirer J da S. Metabolite profiling analysis by GC-MS of sugarcane culm (Saccharum ssp.) to reveal metabolites involved in the drought stress [Internet]. 2017 ;[citado 2024 abr. 29 ] Available from: https://bdta.abcd.usp.br/directbitstream/49bb6a2b-40ba-4e8e-9b8d-25ad64e1aca2/TCCJanainaSilvaFortirer.pdf
    • Vancouver

      Fortirer J da S. Metabolite profiling analysis by GC-MS of sugarcane culm (Saccharum ssp.) to reveal metabolites involved in the drought stress [Internet]. 2017 ;[citado 2024 abr. 29 ] Available from: https://bdta.abcd.usp.br/directbitstream/49bb6a2b-40ba-4e8e-9b8d-25ad64e1aca2/TCCJanainaSilvaFortirer.pdf

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